¡ForceManager se convierte en Sage Sales Management! Descubre más

The mobile CRM for field sales teams

Empower your sales team, to sell more.

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Access all the sales information you need on a smart, fast and reliable mobile application

Mobile CRM

CRM Web App

Sage Sales Management gives you a complete overview of the sales distribution pyramid when working with intermediaries (B2B2C, B2B2B or indirect), taking into account segmentation, business plans, targets and key individuals; everything at your fingertips with a user centric approach.

Geolocated accounts and opportunities

Outside reps can easily manage their accounts and follow-up with prospects directly from their dashboard or mapping system.

Records visits in 30 seconds

Field reps can record sales calls, visits, and updates with a few swipes on their smartphones (Android and iOS).

Personal assistant

Based on the analysis of thousands of data points in the CRM, reps receive notices on potential upsells, cross-sells, and unattended clients.

CRM offline

No coverage, no problem! Reps can access everything offline, with any recorded data updated as soon as an internet connection is reestablished.

Calendar, activities, and documents

The day’s upcoming tasks/visits as well as all the latest easily accessible from the app’s dashboard, including the fastest route between calls.

Sage Sales Management gives you a complete overview of your sales teams and their work with agencies. Taking into account segmentation, lead type, targets and key individuals, Sage Sales Management puts everything at your fingertips with a user-centric approach.

Accounts and contacts

A centralized management system that allows you to classify, arrange and organize your team’s accounts, contacts, and opportunities.

Pipeline Management and Forecasting

A live, 360° overview of your entire sales process. Who’s closing deals? When, where, and how it can be replicated.

Data Analysis

Analyze your sales data with custom graphs, diagrams, and field rep ranking charts to identify weak areas that need your attention.

Custom sales reports

Select your daily, weekly, or monthly sales reports from our library collection or customize and create your own.

Adapt to your needs

Sage Sales Management mobile CRM is extremely flexible and can be adapted to suit the specific needs, wants, and sales terminology of your team.

Descubre cómo podemos ayudarte

CRM móvil de última generación

Toda la información de ventas que necesitas en una app móvil rápida e inteligente que facilita tu trabajo.

100% móvil

Una app nativa para iOS y Android diseñada para los comerciales que están en constante movimiento.

Reporta con el asistente por voz

Reportar nunca había sido tan fácil. Con Sage Sales Management registras la información por voz en cuestión de segundos.